If you need an actual price tag for your future DP development projects, BDCI can provide a "Fixed-Bid" quote. Your personnel can be involved as much as you require so that they are prepared to maintain the finished product.
If your project involves a generic solution to an industry-wide issue, then BDCI will offer a largely reduced development "Fixed-Bid" quote if your firm grants the future marketing rights of the end product to BDCI. We call this option our "Co-Development Product" because we develop the solution together, where we both share the burden of development cost on a 50-50 basis. Your company receives your desired solution at 50% off the "Fixed-Bid" price, and BDCI then markets the product in the hopes of securing planned profits from the solution. Your firm would also receive free upgrades and all future product releases.
If you have a development staff and want that staff to acquire new skills by adding BDCI staff to your project, then we are ready, willing, and able to provide this service on a negotiated variable pricing bid basis. |