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BDCI is a multi-faceted, high-tech resource provider.
Our core services include :

Custom Software Development Services

BDCI currently has a staff of professionals that offer incredible talent in many skill areas and are available to our clients on a project by project basis.  Most firms couldn't afford to maintain this staff full-time but definitely want these skills when their software solutions are being developed.  We can supply this pool of talent to your projects on a  Fixed-Bid basis thereby eliminating the uncertainty of what your DP Projects are going to cost.

Permanent Placement Service - for fee

We recruit the finest programmers, analysts, project leaders, accountants, statistical analysts, economists and can verify their skills because we have the best people with the same skills already on staff to interview new recruits.

Contract Professional Service - long or short-term

Because we operate with minimal overhead, we attract the best professionals for your projects by providing better compensation, benefits, training, and tools to individuals working either as employees of BDCI or sub-contractors of BDCI without requiring Billable Rates to exceed any competitors operating with normal overhead margins.  Even our administrative personnel are experienced professionals in the areas we support.


Web-Based Development Now Available !

Contact us

Burns Data Control
6628 S Jamestown Pl
Tulsa OK 74136

Telephone: 918-693-1263
Toll Free: 918-693-1263

E-mail: msburns@bdci.net

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