BDCI installs familyBuilder Adoption System
August 15, 2002 -- BDCI has recently completed a large web-development effort and installed this application at DILLON International, Inc. DILLON worked closely with BDCI since November of 2001 to identify the needs of a sophisticated international adoption agency and design a web-interface to provide a tool that would function for all DILLON office locations. Prior to this point the historical data was maintained by different tools in different formats with minimal management financial controls. Today DILLON is fully operational with familyBuilder which executes on their own in-house server. The website is maintained by BDCI remotely requiring zero manpower at DILLON dedicated to daily support.
BDCI is now in discussions with a number of additional adoption agencies in an effort to add up to a total of 10 client sites for a beta-release of this product. If you are interested in being a member of the beta-test group please contact the address found below. |